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Tax Preparation Services

Tax preparation and tax planning is a specialized, complicated field. For expert tax preparation services in Escondido, CA, contact the trained professionals at Rowe and Jimenez. We are experienced in the preparation of tax returns for individuals, families, and businesses. Put our team to work for you and get the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are receiving trusted IRS representation. Have you ever asked, “Where can I find a tax return preparer near me?” Call Rowe and Jimenez today for an immediate response to that question and learn more about our tax preparation services.


It can be incredibly easy to file your taxes incorrectly and have to pay more money than necessary. No one likes giving the government more money than they need to, so rely on Rowe and Jimenez to see you don’t! When you use our tax preparation services, we make sure your returns are meticulously prepared and that you take full advantage of every credit and deduction available. Returns are often available when you get married, buy a house, or start a business, and we make sure you get what you are entitled to.

With years of experience in the field, you can rely on us for multi-state returns and out-of-state-returns as well. While our prices vary by the complexity of your return, we make sure that our rates are competitive. Call today and receive a consultation and estimate.


Enrolled agents (such as our team) are specialists in reliable tax preparation. Not to be confused with CPAs, enrolled agents focus exclusively on tax preparation, while CPAs offer a wide range of financial services.

This is a title designated by the Department of the Treasury. It signifies our competence in tax preparation.


If you are being audited, you need reliable IRS representation and an experienced and capable tax professional at your side. We are authorized to represent clients before the IRS in any state.

Contact Rowe and Jimenez today and learn more about our knowledge and experience in tax preparation. Call us in Escondido, CA, today.